Senin, 07 September 2009

Penn Olson – Study: 80% of People Use Twitter for Business

Twitter Bird

According to a new research from Kamaron Research Institute, about 80% of the people use Twitter for business purposes. More than 8 in 10 listed “business” as the reason why they tweet.

This holds true for younger twitter-ers as well. Nearly half of those aged 25 and under gave “business” as the primary reason they tweet.

This Study, “Why Do You Tweet” was conducted online with a respondent group size of 280 Twitter Users.

It is common to see businesses on Twitter. Now that we have statistics to back our intuition, it reaffirms Twitter’s value in the business world.

This Study Came At The Right Time

Just 3 days ago, Biz Stone told Venturebeat that strategic statistic tools for businesses would soon be officially introduced on Twitter. Assuming the findings to be representative of the whole Twitter community, Biz Stone and co can very well expect a great sign up rate upon launch.

It seems like Twitter is doing all the right things to appeal to its users, helping it grow on the right track towards monetization; Stats for Business, Geolocation Tagging, Project Retweet, New Homepage.

Social Media Evolving to a Full Pledge Marketing Media

Social media has rocked the world and it is not hard to understand why. Not having a Facebook account would make you seem like an alien in college or workplace. It is becoming a standard way of life across the globe. With the amount of traffic these sites are generating, social media has certainly caught many businesses’ attention.

Slowly but surely, most social sites would evolve into a media for marketers. This is probably one of the reasons why teens don’t tweet and why Facebook experienced a growth in its age 55+ segment.

Let’s hope all businesses can be as cool and fun as @Mailchimp, @DellOutlet and @Starbucks.

Twitter will be business tool no 1 in the virtual world?

Posted via web from gwidianto's posterous

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